<<@circus._.haha0 says : 1:45>> <<@AkashaWillis says : Men…☕️>> <<@AkashaWillis says : Toxic masculinity>> <<@JazzyBlueBird says : So sad that children like this can be so easily set up for failure, both academically and socially.>> <<@jasastopar says : oh supernanny, the ally you have always been🙌🏽>> <<@daveb970 says : Eric, naughty!>> <<@RichGVRP says : W kid>> <<@GuyIncognito-pm4cp says : This family is like every negative stereotype of the southern US rolled into one>> <<@lucasS0724 says : We all know who the dad votes for 🤡>> <<@marinadiaz1762 says : I like that the dad is acting like he never used that word cuz it's showing shame.>> <<@bm4114 says : This is whole family is currently voting to bring down democracy as we know it>> <<@davidmaguire3521 says : Would love to see how theyre doing now>> <<@headmasterdumbledore4938 says : the mom is gorgeousssssssss>> <<@AllTheOutCasts says : Teaching the boys to exercise, stay healthy, and still have fun so they can take care of themselves is important. Teaching them it’s so they can get women or for six packs might cause some warped views when they’re older.>> <<@JustChxriz22 says : 🤣🏳️‍🌈Out of all the 12 months of the year to post this you post it during Pride Month🏳️‍🌈🤣>> <<@Greenpoloboy3 says : Did this father end up this way due to the way he had been raised by his parents? Doing the same to his sons, sadly.>> <<@markfarmer3948 says : What do you expect from the south!!!!>> <<@erikcareswell6768 says : So many BAD parents in the world. I'm guessing she married this dude for the money. Sad.>> <<@Veryniceandveryevil says : Bullying has it's uses in society becaise some ppl are superior to others and will be bowed to.>> <<@ROsa20006 says : If I was the older brother, the younger brother wouldn’t be alive anymore>> <<@Zychel_EX9 says : There is definitely someone in here that said, “Based Child”>> <<@ricj7517 says : Shame on the father to allow this..>> <<@fixfireleo says : Kids shouldnt lift weights, it can seal their bone plates and stunt their growth.>> <<@CozyString says : LGBTQIA 4 Life>> <<@seamossinthecity says : Just like kids who say the N-Word. Its the parent(s).>> <<@henryvaughan7283 says : Okay I see you super nanny the ally 🤩 🤩>> <<@davidware9549 says : Meant to be bringing up children not animals !!!!>> <<@Carl-x8y3c says : The father is the negative issue in the household. He's teaching his sons to be negative.>> <<@MaskedkillerStudios says : 3:00>> <<@l0vel33p says : That child probably doesnt understand the slur tbh. Its quite obvious hes heard that and thought to use it aswell since his 'role models' use it.>> <<@mtw1234 says : I have never sat down and ate dinner when I still have company over. What's up with that?>> <<@ThomasBaker-tc6gy says : The mum looks like Jacqueline McKenzie aye>> <<@ThatsCraz3 says : W>> <<@rally7944 says : Mom pretending she doesn't know where he learned that behavior 😂>> <<@Scorpiondriver942 says : The discipline not the slurs>> <<@Scorpiondriver942 says : This is the best dad>> <<@jackthemlits says : Posting this during pride month is crazy…>> <<@stanbalo says : Sweet kids>> <<@kendd691 says : Nanny Jo, the ally we stan!!>> <<@elanfredette4661 says : Toxic masculinity at its finest>> <<@ReiiRei_39 says : Dad is the problem>> <<@SuctusIncendia says : 0:42 bro thinks we can control our stamina or something 🤦🏾>> <<@jameson7252 says : Should rename this channel commercials channel>> <<@Ethan-uv3uj says : this dad is.. something..!!!!>> <<@rosscoetzee2127 says : America is wild>> <<@JS-ef1rp says : This is how losers are made.>> <<@beardphrodite says : The way she says homophobic sounds like “home of phobics” which is not wrong at all.>> <<@peteryanes3413 says : What is the full episodes session?>> <<@Nyaatastic says : The dad is so out of touch with his emotions. He gives that trauma down to the kids and he doesn't even realize he is the problem. Hope he heals from the toxicity.>> <<@mystrugle900 says : The dad doesn’t know any better. He’s just trying to do what he thinks is best for his children. The fact is he’s present and he’s there and he’s putting the effort in - he’s simply misguided and probably because of his own upbringing. He just needs teaching!>>