<<@gailpettiglio1928 says : Why is that 6 year old sucking her thumb>> <<@ZiggyStory-d3w says : Ok>> <<@biancataylor5896 says : 8:11>> <<@Kissameassa538 says : How can cops can tolerate the plebs on the street but when it comes to their kids they are clueless. The math ain’t mathing 😫🤪>> <<@susansage7218 says : I do not regret not having children. Wise choice for me. I don’t miss what I don’t have.>> <<@susansage7218 says : She “doesn’t look like an English nanny?” She watched the show, right, to know she wanted her help?>> <<@ambersdisabillitypointofview says : What family is this where can I find the full episode?>> <<@6kat103 says : Pets. I love my pets. Cats, herding dogs, all good.>> <<@marionbayley1351 says : At six years old, British children are in school from 9-3.30 (roughly) from the start of the school year in which they are 5! No naps!>> <<@NickAlcock-g4t says : Who else loves supernanny?>> <<@janetglassford4578 says : Half an episode? What the hell?! Why isn't it complete?>> <<@wmdkitty says : She gets the behavior she tolerates. If she'd discipline every time they act up -- which means mum _has to_ step in and stop Billy's behaviors before Jadyn has to take matters into her own hands -- they'd stop acting like little hooligans. She's basically telling them both, with her inaction, that their behavior is okay.>> <<@glorysengo6289 says : I WISH I WAS THE BAILEY FAMILY ON SUPERNANNY>> <<@CandyGirlGalaxy9 says : Ima watch this later 🤫>> <<@NicoAlcock-y1n says : Who else loves supernanny?>> <<@sharonbibby7835 says : Didnt even make it to the end of this video, as the kids screaming did my head in>> <<@Sandra-hk8ks says : Its their diet then its the parents for not making them mind, by changing their minds. 😅😅😅😅 its the follow through.>> <<@CheyanneCamarena-vc2sf says : Omg I love watching your videos❤>> <<@nightmareshadowfreddyby1995 says : 11 years of the supernanny. Love your work ^^>> <<@sanajs3627 says : Achuttaaa ennay onnu vilikumo>> <<@Velvette-tq5bu says : 344th>> <<@RheaDillard-hm7hm says : Seventh>> <<@Koltyn2009 says : Fifth (Maybe)>> <<@Mirskii1x says : First>> <<@chriscampbell8519 says : Second I love your vids ❤❤❤❤>> <<@MelanieLeech-e4s says : Super nanny is strong af😭>> <<@myla627 says : I’M FIRST HERE🎉>> <<@Decdexer says : Hello>>