Toddler refuses to be potty trained! | Supernanny USA
Toddler refuses to be potty trained! | Supernanny USA



@sharonclarke520 Says:
I sometimes wonder if some adults should actually be parents!
@Luke-fk3im Says:
Lol I like it when Dylan wears nappies
@lizziek5702 Says:
Dad needs to be better at telling story’s
@DebbieL64 Says:
Gross. Didn't make him wash his hands after potty. Really shouldn't be showing the kid on the potty even if it is blurred.
@Colleen-w5o Says:
I don’t understand how parents let the kids be in control.
@Colleen-w5o Says:
Feel sorry for the little boy. His parents let him be in control.
@Colleen-w5o Says:
Parents must learn they are the boss.
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@mikelathen8397 Says:
@wendyalthaus9389 Says:
I would never have the patience to deal with this kids fits. He got away with so much for so long.
@Heidi51616 Says:
I put Cheerios in the toilet and he tried to hit them.
@cyndyjohn91 Says:
@teresamcnulty8471 Says:
Kicking is pretty wrong.
@shellbyloo2230 Says:
When my son can reach the potty I had him watch his Dad go first in front of him. Every time after that he wanted to go like Daddy.
@faithduncombe3339 Says:
@isabellemarie092 Says:
good lord
@sativa723 Says:
What one is this
@deekeats8868 Says:
@zdoh-64 Says:
@kellyrollo2231 Says:
Nanny was wrong he should not have rolled towards mom
@mistressmozart Says:
imagine growing up and realising your potty training was aired on national television
@rebeccadennen7063 Says:
Dylan imatating his mom explaining why his sister was in time out was kind of adorable
@christinelenhart Says:
Washing hands when done on toilett!!!
@Princesslondon23 Says:
Supernanny Your The Best Lady Thanks for Taking Care of Me in my old House chestnut House it Hayley House
@mangantasy289 Says:
I love how with how many creative ideas for "magical" encouragments Jo keeps coming up with. The kids will never forget these little thrills it gave them.
@Dan-s3s Says:
I'm not seeing anything you claim I am I wish you would stop selling this on my accounts and I'm not seeing it
@wmdkitty Says:
I'm sorry, in what world are children allowed to "refuse" potty training? You put him in big-boy pants, and you give rewards for success with the potty and consequences (like cleaning it up) when he fails. He's more than old enough to understand.
@danielferstendig Says:
Put dylan in training pants.
@lightconfetti Says:
yall 4 people can’t be first 💀💀
@Ur_localBiBbLe Says:
I'm early!!!!
@carartist127 Says:
I kept story books in there
@jacobclemence2730 Says:
Diaper Among.
@brmam1385 Says:
This is another one of the reasons I’ve not been sorry for never having my own child. I lived vicariously through the tale’s & tribulations of potty training with my friends. I can honestly say to you Jo, & all those moms out there, you ARE heroes! 🥰👍♥
@veronicasawyer1958 Says:
she needs to teach him to put his hands on his "wiener" to freakin aim--
@juanborrego7421 Says:
Mum Jessica are going to Separate Dylan and his Sister from each other on the Naughty Chair! 🪑👈⏲️🇺🇲🇬🇧🏡🔙
@juanborrego7421 Says:
Dylan need to wash his hands after using the Bathroom! 🧼🧑
@AllieWilson-r4f Says:
5:03 5:03 5:03 5:03 5:03 5:03 what’s happened
@YaxLynn_PlaysRoblox Says:
It’s over..
@J2Fly9659 Says:
Hi super nanny ❤
@betty5064 Says:
The helper who came to see my pregnant friend took one look at the toddler in diapers and told her to sit right down on the potty and not to get up until she had produced something. It worked.
@DaisyHernandez-l6z Says:
@darthjader77 Says:
@Joyishappygirl_1 Says:
@lillynoboa6319 Says:
Supernanny yippee!
@summerdisson84 Says:
Love these vids and firsttt

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