These boys are the bullies of the playground! | Supernanny USA
These boys are the bullies of the playground! | Supernanny USA



@ravicolai8064 Says:
What episode is this?????????????????
@JHardin-lt8us Says:
@keanewilliams1704 Says:
What family is this?
@lhproductions61 Says:
Okay but when I was 7 and around my cousins who were about pre school ages I felt protective. He’s clearly got something else going on and his parents have failed.
@melaniekendall4903 Says:
Why on earth would you name your child Trevor? Outdated
@CaiaAxon Says:
Where is the second part??
@tommydagote Says:
How are you going to own your own school but you don’t know how to raise your own kids
@loekiepower152 Says:
What episode?
@FinAtkinson-md8il Says:
The oldest trever is like Ty And Tyler and Casper my six year old brothers and the youngest Travor is like my brother's age 3 they swear bully go too nusery
made in 2024 1day ago from 10/1/24 low quality goofy laptop big channel HOWWW
@christiegiambruno Says:
I would be so sad if this was what motherhood was like for me. 😢
@allisonhudgins2379 Says:
Get in the tub. These parents are so ridiculous
@100bulletsmiranda9 Says:
well you just said knot going two chase after U.
@chrisdunne1837 Says:
Parents are absolutely pathetic, their kids are out of control . I think their business needs to be closed
@jennifertselentis4755 Says:
I presume these parents aren't trained preschool teachers.
@user-vy6wh9nv4d Says:
Who else loves supernanny?
@Escherlife Says:
To hear that mother say that “it’s easier for me” to not discipline her child, tells me all I need to know.
@michaelweiskopf7771 Says:
I felt bad for the teacher the only person to actually try to reprimand Trevor rather than his own parents
@Wimsa43 Says:
I dont understand how children get like this ????
@Crystalgamez_tocaboca Says:
May you come to Jamaica we need your help at st Thomas yallas
@assassinspoiler3488 Says:
No way would i leave my kids with her very dangerous
@zenphire Says:
I got so scared when they were running so close to the pool! So dangerous😳
@julierobinson3633 Says:
Kids are now in their 20s. No surprise the parents are divorced...
@lynnfern2116 Says:
Why is Trevor, who is 7 years old, not in full time school??? He's severely understimulated ~ & he's years older than all the other kids.
@gillianbrookwell1678 Says:
No discipline, no consequences for their behaviour, inconsistent parenting; poor parenting.
@kathyjolley5642 Says:
I would never put my young children in this preschool.It’s dangerous because of the boy’s behavior.
@shepherdewan Says:
Trevor needs discipline
@julierobinson3633 Says:
I wonder if this damaged the parents' preschool business when it aired? I certainly would take my kids out of there if I knew the owners were letting their kids terrorise the other little kids.
@juanborrego7421 Says:
Those boys are swearing and bullying everyone at Preschool/Daycare center!
@DP3333 Says:
How are u not embarrassed as parents 😂
@dawndeany9645 Says:
@jackkoshel9759 Says:
This year is important to me I wanna know what will happen after the election will there be grey skies every day will another pandemic happen will outdoor activities be canceled all over earth.
@jackkoshel9759 Says:
I hope you are enjoying the weather please make more videos of supernanny.
@jackkoshel9759 Says:
@JaydenTheGoodKid42 Says:
@totorbi1 Says:
@janetstarnes3405 Says:
The Parents are to BLAME, Spare the Rod, SPOIL the Child.
@jonblablabla1014 Says:
This is not okay at all. If my kids went to this school i would sue!!
@nsloane5384 Says:
Wait..the parents own/run this school?!? WRONG! Report to Social Services, take away their license! NOW!!
@jackmcdonald1400 Says:
@jenniferoconnell2355 Says:
Wouldn’t have my child at there pre school
@seanxl9559 Says:
I love this show
@nsloane5384 Says:
Sadly, parents create these little monsters! I hope Nanny can help this family! Nanny will never run out of work!!
@therealkittyjewel Says:
@indexkiller806 Says:
Really milking tf out the show
@lexirose572 Says:
Thank god for super nanny these kids and parents need her
@nimomoali3159 Says:
@GodsAngels29 Says:
@corinneoladuti1633 Says:

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